This section covers the period from January through to the end of May. There are a greater selection of flowering plants to choose from as the primroses and spring bulbs join the winter pansies and the viola comes into its own. As with the autumn baskets if you are planting for January displays the more delicate plants will need the protection afforded by Ivy and other hedging plants which we use that are mentioned on our autumn page.
The versatility of our containers can be illustrated by our first prototype which arrived in early March 2006. Desperate to see what it would look like planted up we raided our woodland garden which, as it was a mild winter, was already full of flower. We dug up some primroses, crocus, snowdrops and early daffodils together with some ivy. After the plants had a couple of days to recover from the shock of transportation we took the picture.

Spring 2010 planted and displayed early February. Pansies, primroses, Tete-a-Tete dwarf daffodils and ivy. As they were planted in the top of the container, when the early daffodil flowers faded they were easily replaced by later varieties.

This is the companion basket to the previous one. this picture was taken outside the village butchers early in February

Violas en mass make the most fantastic spring displays. You can use 18 -20 plants in our containers and they can cost less than £4.00. Plant in February or March and grow on if possible in a cold greenhouse or else in a sheltered sunny position outside. The plants will rapidly mature to give you a ball of flowers that just keeps getting bigger and better as spring wears on. They will last until the end of May when you are ready for your summer planting.